Large fire in nightclub (Persons Reported)

Reward and Precondition Value
Average credits 9000
Required Fire Stations 15
Requirement of Police Stations 2
Required Rescue Stations 7


Mission Type Ambulance Missions
Mass Casualty Missions (Specialization)
Vehicle and Personnel Requirements Value
Required Fire engines 6
Required Aerial Appliance Trucks 1
Probability of Aerial Appliance Truck being required 20
Required Fire Officers 4
Required ICCU or Ambulance Control Units 1
Required Police Cars 2
Other information Value
Minimum Number of Patients 5
Max. Patients 15
Probability of Critical Care being required 10
Possible patient codes C-2
Probability that a patient has to be transported 25
Patient Specializations General Internal
Follow-Up Missions Smoke Inhalation Smoke Inhalation Smoke Inhalation Smoke Inhalation Smoke Inhalation
Expandable Missions Large fire in nightclub (Persons Reported) (Major Incident)
Mission Variations Large fire in nightclub (Persons Reported) Large fire in nightclub (Persons Reported) Large fire in nightclub (Persons Reported)